Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pod Cast Script

How Rain is formed
Evaporation is when the sun heats up the water that covers the Earth and turns it into vapor or steam. Then the water vapor or steam rises toward the clouds. Condensation is when water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds. To be able to see this concept easily each student will take a cold glass of water outside and watch the water collect on the outside of their cup. The water vapor in the warm air turns back into liquid when it touches the cold glass
Precipitation occurs when so much water has become too heavy for the cloud to hold anymore. So the water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow.  The precipitation that is soaked up by the soil is called ground water. If it runs over the soil it will be collected in the oceans, lakes or rivers. This will start the water cycle over again.


Each student will pick out a glass jar; there are different shapes and sizes. You may choose to place the small ruler inside the jar when measuring or you can choose to tape the ruler in the jar or to write the measurements with a ruler on the outside of the jar. We will place your jar in an open area where it can collect rain for the next month. Every morning as a class we will go check our rain gauges to see how much rain we got that day to the nearest millimeter. We will record the amount of rainfall we receive over a month and record in our weather journals. At the end of the month we will make a graph and chart of the rainfall for that month. 

I dont have the part about the book concept in there yet...but besides that what do you two think?


  1. I think it sounds really good, but my only concern is the length. Our podcast has to be 3-5 minutes, so we each have to make ours about a minute and a half. You will have to record it, and if it's too long maybe cut a few things out! Let me know how it is going, but it looks great.

  2. Lol sorry I forgot to say in my other comment, but make sure you get a concept in there. That is one of the most important parts. Ha just a reminder. I knew you already knew. :)
